
Monday, January 20, 2025

How to Approach a Fitness Journey


    Obviously, fitness and sports and working out have been part of my life for awhile. However, now that I am working with clients and people with real health goals, I wanted to take time to talk about an approach to your fitness journey. Just to restate, any fitness activity  is a journey, and it takes you many places. Sometimes you may not like it, other times it may be very exciting for you. What I would advise is enjoy the journey and process of working out. it won't always be perfect, but it can be very enjoyable if you find the right things to focus on.
     Most people have a goal in mind when I speak to people who want help. Goals are great, but be flexible with them. On the other end of the spectrum, sometimes people don't have goals, but they just want to workout. That can be ok, but I would argue that your workout time will be more productive if you  have a stated goal in mind. It can be simple, or elaborate .Goals can change over time, or they can remain the same mosty. in my experience, though, is that goals are ery helpful in giving direction and motivation.
     I often encounter high levels of frustration when a particular goal is not met. I understand it. When I was in college and I could not triplee jump
fifty feet, I used to get really mad with myself. I had to learn that I was more than  fifty foot triple jump. I definne myself in far more complex ways than one basic goal. I would counsel anyone I train with the same thing. you are far more valuable than one specific goal. You are defined by far more than one goal. Your journey exists on a continuum of work and exercise that is  constantly defined by small victories, and large victories, every time you endeavor to workout. Let yourself experience success and enjoy the process of training, because  it is often a valuable and cathartic time for yourself.
     I think one of the most important  things we can take out  of exercise and training is not the exercise itself, but the relationships we can build in the process. we open a door to find and knowing people who are all on the same journey, to improve ourselves through training. I try to prioritize the relationship and empathy with people when I help them train because AI may be convenient, but it will never relace the relationships that I have built in my athletic career, andn I want my clients to find the same thing - community. whether it is community with only me annd the trust we establish, or a whole group of people that started with their exercise journey.
     Do not let a journey like exercise be marred by thhe wrong approach or attitude. There are so many ways to look at this time. It should be really enjoyable and  present fun challengges that can be shared. I know I am proud and humbled by those who have trusted me to help them with this journey annd I hope it  is the start of a long and joyful relationship through the platform of exercise.

Have a beautiful day and keep training.

How to Approach a Fitness Journey

         Obviously, fitness and sports and working out have been part of my life for awhile. However, now that I am working with...