
Friday, August 4, 2023

The Struggle to Maintain a Diet


Why Are Diets Difficult In Our Health and Fitness Journey?

    I think diets are difficult not because there is a lack of good food choices, but because of the discipline it takes to schedule and prepare the said food. With today's modern technology and innovation, there is no shortage of ideas on things you can eat that can benefit your health and aid in your weight loss journey and/or fueling your increased activity levels. The difficulty lies in a multi-layered problem that prevents many people from being disciplined enough to break bad habits for good ones.

Let's look at five reasons related to changing what we eat how they present a challenge. These may seen like simple explanations, and obvious ones. Simple does not equal easy, otherwise there would not be so many millions of dollars spent on this industry, trying to convince people to buy one thing or another.

1. Culture

    The reality is that there is a culture in this country that fights our inclination to eat and live healthy, in spite of the huge prevalence of heathy options everywhere. Do not be fooled. There are cultural trends that promote unhealthy choices and eating. Let's just look at some of them and think about why that is.
    The fast paced nature of society, especially in big cities, pushes us to live and do things on the run, all in favor of that expanding work schedule. I know because I feel the effect daily too, and it is a battle to fight it. There are fast food choices everywhere, on every corner, just calling you. Myself, I have to fight the urge to constantly eat at a cafe or a taqueria. There is nothing wrong with either of these places, but a daily lunch routine at these types of places, or others, does not promote the best dietary options. We seek something quick, especially if we run out of the house without preparation of the healthy meal choice we could have prepared if we gave ourselves ten extra minutes. 

2. Cost

    Costs are another factor. Let's say we need to make that choice to go out, and the only affordable choices for the day are fast food. Unfortunately, all too often, the less healthy choices are more affordable when you are on the run. That is why it is imperative to make your own food if you can. If you do this most of the time, that occasional meal out is less problematic. On the other side of that, I would say cost is not as prohibitive if you take some time at the grocery store. There are lots of good choices. One of my favorite trainers I follow, Clark Bartram, on Instagram, does a great job on some of his reels of showing how easy it is to make affordable, healthy choices with food, as well as cook the said food up quickly while following a reasonable eating habit. However, I know many people cite cost, so I bring it up here, as well as the potential for a solution.

3. Education

    Education is a third factor. We all need some kind of education when it comes to the kitchen. Not everyone has the benefit of having extensive kitchen/food knowledge. This is where dietitians and trainers can be helpful. Our society does little in the school system to educate our kids about food and eating. I am blessed that I was raised in an Italian household with parents as food professionals, so I have a pretty good base where I started from. I did not expand my understanding until after I was in college. Take the time to learn the healthy choices. You don't need a high level of science, just try to understand good from bad choices and you can be successful!

4. Motivation

    Another factor is motivation. Some people are just not motivated. It is important to find the internal motivation to want to eat well. The harder part of that is finding what about food and diet motivates you to make you want to eat better. That can come from a lot of places. Maybe it is cooking new things. Maybe it is the math of counting calories. Other people might just enjoy the challenge and the results. Whatever it may be, find that motivation to organize yourself so you can follow the eating habits that will lead to success. 

5. Eating as a Life Style

    I would add the last thing here as a two part point. It is an understanding that eating right is a process and a lifestyle. temporary diets are not great options, in my opinion. Find a way of living with the way you eat and make that work for you. Find someone to help you understand the process of eating, cooking, and how it relates to you. Dietitians are great at that, and certified nutrition coaches are great as well. This kind of ties back to culture, but it also ties into the fact that the way you eat is an ongoing process that you have to make choices with each day. It is similar to your physical training. Every workout is a process, and you have to make choices that respond to yourself and how you feel, as well as your environment and resources. Don't be hard on yourself, just be patient and keep the end goal in sight as the process unfolds. Above all, find people that understand how we, as people, relate to food and understand how it fuels us. If you find a person who can help navigate these factors, your journey will be much easier, in my opinion.

    I write all this as a person who loves to cook and as a trainer and athlete. It is simply me talking about how I have approached my relationship with food. I struggle with making the family meals, counting calories, and trying to understand how to feed kids differently than myself and my wife. Counting calories for us while trying to satisfy hungry kids at every turn. It is a process that requires thoughtful solutions and creative plans to execute what we want to do. I would say the best thing for me is if I make a mistake or I am not eating right for a few days, I try to get back up and correct it so I can feel I am back to making the progress I needed. As I have gotten older, I also realize how much more important food is as fuel. It is not just something to fill my stomach. That fuel is key in me feeling and training the best I can. 

I hope you enjoyed my insight about my view about food and diet and keep training hard!

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